Teaching Music Since 1981
The Illinois Valley Choral Association was established in 1981 as an outlet for talented children in the Illinois Valley area. The organization founded The Illinois Valley Youth Choir. The choir is governed by the Illinois Valley Choral Association board. Both tuition-based choirs are open to boys and girls in grades 3-8. Boys must have unchanged voices. Scholarships are available.
The Illinois Valley Youth Choir challenges each child to expand their musical knowledge. Weekly rehearsals emphasize the development of musicianship and vocal technique while performing a wide variety of high quality musical literature. The children develop healthy vocal habits, confidence, self-discipline and a deeper understanding of music.
The choir is a non-profit organization governed by parent service on the Illinois Valley Choral Association Board of Directors. The Board employs a music director and an accompanist who provide the musical expertise and direction for the choir. The board also employs a manager to oversee and direct the logistics of having the choir. Parents are urged to attend meetings to provide valuable input and receive information about the choir.
Illnois Valley Youth Choir Director

Jenilyn Roether is a Peru native who began her choir experience in the Illinois Valley Youth Choir. She has a bachelor’s degree from Illinois Wesleyan University in music education and a master’s degree in music education from Northern Illinois University. Jenilyn has 15+ years of experience teaching vocal music in public school ranging in ages from pre-school through high school. In addition to directing the Youth Choir, Jenilyn directs the choir at Illinois Valley Community College and teaches private voice lessons. She also teaches private voice lessons at Music Suite 408. For fun, Jenilyn sings soprano in the professional choir, Cor Cantiamo, based in DeKalb. She currently resides in Peru with her husband Brian and 2 children.
Jenilyn can be reached at 815-252-5582 or by email at jenilyn.roether@gmail.com .
Board Members
The Illinois Valley Choral Association Board of Directors is elected at the first parent’s meeting of the year by members of the Parent’s Association. You are a member of the Parent’s Association when your child becomes a member of the choir. At the time your child auditions for the choir, you will be given a form indicating capacities in which you could serve. All parents are encouraged to have a role in the choir. If you would like to serve on the Board of Directors, please indicate so upon registration.
Currently serving on the Board of Directors:
President: Lindsay Catalanello
Vice-President: Elizabeth Newell
Treasurer: Denise Harper
Secretary: Debbie Moench
Choir Manager: